1/6 TBLeague PL2017-107 ¥¹¥Ñ¥ë¥¿ Èþ¿Í ¥´¥Ã¥É¡¦¥ª¥Ö¡¦¥¦¥©¡¼ Spartan Goddess of War

1/6 TBLeague PL2017-107 ¥¹¥Ñ¥ë¥¿ Èþ¿Í ¥´¥Ã¥É¡¦¥ª¥Ö¡¦¥¦¥©¡¼ Spartan Goddess of War

ȯÇäÆü 2018ǯ4·î
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Packing List:
­¡¡¡1 x head sculpt
­¢¡¡1 x TBLeague female seamless body with metal skeleton
­£¡¡3 pairs x interchangeable hands
­¤¡¡1 pair x feet (with painted shoes on them)
­¥¡¡1 x crown
­¦¡¡1 x cape
­§¡¡1 x underwear piece for the upper body
­¨¡¡1 x underwear piece for lower part of the body
­©¡¡1 x breastplate
­ª¡¡1 x belt
11¡¡1 pair x forearm armor
12¡¡1 pair x calf armor
13¡¡1 x spear
14¡¡1 x machete
15¡¡1 x shield
16¡¡1 x base
17¡¡4 color packaging
·¿ÈÖ TBLeague PL2017-107